Friday, November 20, 2009

::"Tinkering school" In chile::

How can the concept of “tinkering school” be applied to Chilean public classrooms?

The concept of “tinkering school” can be applied in order to make students create meaningful things for them. We can encourage them to think about things that are not already created and also consider want they would like to have. As a result, they can start being motivated by that. Furthermore, teachers have to be aware of the interests students have, so it is important to have as much materials as we can, otherwise, they (students) might be encouraged to create just certain kind of things depending on the materials available they have. On the contrary, the idea here is to open their minds as much as they can. Also, this project consists on making students work just in the things they want to, but in a Chilean public school where children are not used to work this way, at the beginning they may need the teacher’s help in order to follow or understand the concept of the project. The teacher or mentor also have to be aware and consider the social context in which this is been applied. For instance, if we are proposing the project in a high society, this could work thinking about future engineers but also we can encourage poor people about using them in their future (being future engineers and other things as well),but in terms of, if they do have good grades at school, then their future might change by having a better life style. That is why this project is a good one to work in public schools, were children can learn useful things to make or create things to use in their daily life and also for having fun, considering that it is for little children.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Preparing a class about sounds!

Children are always discovering all those new things that are around them. One of these things is related to the sounds they are listening to without even realizing the existence of them. Now, I want to teach them how these sounds are really called in English. In order to make them learn these new words well, I would prepare or show them some of the sounds through a video, so they would be able to listen to them, and also they would be seeing them using two different kinds of intelligences at the same time. After that, they would have to get into groups of 4 or 5 people, with the purpose of preparing a short play in which two of the members of the group have the assignment of relating an original story invented by them. While the two students are telling the story, the other members of the group have the task of acting the story that is being told in order to show it to the rest of the class. Therefore, the main thing is that the ones that are acting have to make all the sounds possible that we can find in the tale.

This sort of activity makes students be able to learn what is supposed to be taught at the same time all or most of them also are having fun. Furthermore, we will be teaching them things they can find in their daily life, this in order to show something meaningful for them to apply in different circumstances.

My words from the reading.

Splash: the sound like water splashing.

Whisper: the act of speaking softly.

Clap: an abrupt noise as if two objects hit together; may be repeated.

Stomp: the act of walking heavily.

Tune: a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence.

Harmony: an agreeable sound properly.

Hoarse: (of a voice of a person) having a rough voice, often because of a sore throat or a cold.