Friday, August 21, 2009

just keep going!

We are always trying to focus on an aim, and then when we achieve it, we just realize that we do not have anything more to fight for. I think that this happens in many people and makes them feel that their life has no sense anymore. That they have nothing to continue living their life happily. As a result, they think they have failed instead of thinking about achieving new and harder things, and why not, simple things. Obviously, sometimes we will feel we have failed in many things, but that cannot be frustrating for us. We have to think we are people, and more than thinking that we are unsuccessful, we should think that we have learnt thanks to those mistakes.
don't you think so?

Now, at the school (ELAB)I can notice how many teachers are not prepared for teaching, and actually, they care neither doing good classes nor helping the students to be better. So, how do they think they will change the society?
I would tell them, STOP COMPLAINING!!


  1. I agree with you Marcelistica. That's why we are going to do our video together :B
    Lov Ya!

  2. Hi!
    yeah I think so, sometimes we prioritize our goals instead of our happiness. we are humans so we make mistakes, and we should learn from them.
    I like your way of thinking
    see you!

  3. Yeah... it is so sad to see in schools that teachers are not prepared!!
    we have to make the difference!!

  4. Marcelita! xD

    It's good to know that "success" is not only a matter of money for your group.

    Good video! and very spontaneous, haha.

  5. Marcelisstica! send me the video!
